Senior Peter Eger, Writing Major and History Minor

Greg Florczak: How does it feel to be graduating?

Peter Eger: It’s definitely a new feeling, because I’ve never graduated before. It’s a mix between awkward and nervous. It’s nervous because it’s like what are the next steps am I going to take and because I’m a very calculated person. It’s a mixed bag of feelings, but I’m proud of myself, taking this next big step in my life.

GF: What do you plan on doing post college?

PE: Well I’m a writing major with a history minor, so I’m hoping to do some museum or research work in that. Ideally, I’d be a fiction author, but there’s that running joke about how you’re gonna make money off of that. What’d I want to do in grad school is medieval studies but I’m grappling with that now just because of how much work would go into it. It’s been hard though because my parents are European, so I’ve had to do everything college related by myself. But I manage.

GF: What made you choose the writing major?

PE: Writing was the one thing that always stuck with me and I always really liked history so I attached a history minor to that. I always wrote a ton and that’s what really stuck. Highschool was a very transformative part of my life and writing was a constant throughout all of that. It’s just how my brain is wired, we’re not all gonna have the same jobs, somebody has to be an author.

GF: What would you say has been your best experience at UT?

PE: I’d say my experience in the writing and history departments has been the best. You have a really concentrated amount of people that really like what they’re doing. There’s a big blanket over everyone where even if you haven’t met them you’ve heard of them. I don’t like the feeling of just being a number, I like feeling like my own person.

GF: What has been your worst experience here?

PE: The whole gen-ed thing complicates the whole thing, you could be out in like 2 years if you only took what you needed for your major. It’s an annoying experience but at the same time it is something that’s needed. It rounds you out as a person but it’s good to have that what-if in your toolkit. Outside of that probably the construction, like we have that belltower but could you build some dorms?

Interview has been edited for brevity, clarity and style.

